Pune: The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has announced that the admit cards for the Class 12 examination scheduled from February 11 to March 18 will be available online from Friday, January 10. Educational institutions, including schools and junior colleges, have been instructed to print the admit cards and distribute them to students without charging any additional fees.
Devidas Kulal, the Secretary of the Maharashtra State Board, shared this update in an official press release. The examination will commence earlier than in previous years, emphasizing the need for timely preparations.
Students or institutions can access the admit cards by visiting the official website of the Maharashtra State Board at http://www.mahahsscboard.in.
Kulal highlighted specific guidelines to address potential issues with admit cards:
- Defective Photographs: In cases where the photograph on the admit card is unclear or incorrect, schools are advised to affix a correct photograph of the student and authenticate it with the signature of the Headmaster or Principal.
- Lost Admit Cards: If a student misplaces their admit card, the respective institution should issue a second copy. This duplicate copy must be clearly marked in red ink as “Second Copy.”
- Corrections in Admit Card Information: Any errors related to a student’s name, mother’s name, or date of birth can be corrected online. Institutions are required to pay a correction fee and submit the revised information to the Divisional Board for approval. After obtaining approval, revised admit cards will be made available.
- Changes in Subject or Medium: Corrections involving subjects or examination mediums must be handled by contacting the relevant Divisional Board following established procedures.
The state board has reiterated the importance of adherence to these guidelines to ensure a smooth examination process for all candidates.