Chamarajanagar, Karnataka – In a tragic and shocking incident, an eight-year-old girl, Tejaswini, a Class 3 student at St. Francis School, passed away after suffering a sudden heart attack on Wednesday. The incident has sent waves of grief through the community, leaving her family and school authorities devastated.
The unexpected tragedy unfolded around 11:40 a.m. when Tejaswini, described as an active and healthy child, collapsed while showing her notebook to her teacher. Witnesses reported that she leaned against a wall before collapsing. Teachers immediately rushed her to JSS Hospital, but doctors declared her brought dead upon arrival.
Family’s Shock and Grief
Tejaswini’s father, Lingaraju, expressed disbelief and heartbreak over the sudden loss of his daughter. “Both my children have always been healthy. Apart from the usual fever or headache, they never faced any significant health issues,” he shared. He added that neither Tejaswini nor her sibling had ever required hospitalization.
According to Lingaraju, doctors confirmed that her heartbeat had dropped before reaching the hospital. He declined a post-mortem examination, stating he did not suspect any foul play. “It’s a gut-wrenching tragedy for our family,” he said, emphasizing that no signs of health complications had been observed previously.
School’s Statement
Fr. Prabhakaran, the principal of St. Francis School, expressed deep sorrow over the incident. He described Tejaswini as a cheerful and energetic student with no prior health issues during her time at school. “This is an unimaginable loss. She collapsed without warning, and despite immediate efforts to get her medical care, we could not save her,” he said.
Rising Concern over Pediatric Heart Health
The incident has sparked discussions about rising cases of cardiac issues among young children. Health experts emphasize the importance of regular health checkups for early detection of potential risks, even in children showing no symptoms.
Tejaswini’s sudden death serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the unpredictability of health conditions. Authorities have advised schools to remain vigilant about students’ well-being and parents to prioritize routine medical evaluations.
This tragic event in Chamarajanagar has left a lasting impact on the local community. Friends, teachers, and neighbors are mourning the loss of a bright, happy child taken far too soon. While investigations conclude without suspicion of foul play, the heart-wrenching story of Tejaswini will be remembered as a poignant reminder of life’s unpredictability.